
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 - The Word of the Cross

Oct 8, 2023    Jeff Noble

The gospel doesn't make sense - at least in the way that worldly wisdom would try to make it "make sense." Would the Son of God really come down to us, giving himself on the cross? It doesn't fit within any worldly paradigm of wisdom or knowledge. However, the only way to be made right with God is to humbly accept the scandalous, unexpected, illogical work of the cross.

In this message in our 1 Corinthians series, Jeff talks about how the Corinthian church had in arrogance "outgrown" the scandal of the cross, and were turning instead to worldly wisdom, elevating that above the work Christ did on the cross. We also see how we today can turn to our own wisdom just as the Corinthians did.