Faith in the Workplace - Ben Price
This series is written by Northstar members and connects us with how they live out their faith in Jesus as a faithful worker/employee.

By Ben Price
One thing that excites me about Christian Living is that it is so much more than just attending worship service on Sundays. As we live out our faith journey with co-workers, friends, and family members, God is constantly at work weaving his story through us. Our daily routines, meetings, relationships, conversations, setbacks, triumphs and growth opportunities are very important. These all become a reflection of our LOVING FATHER drawings us nearer to HIM in the advancement of HIS kingdom.
Maintaining a constant faith in GOD and paying attention to what he is doing in our daily lives is very important for Christian Living in the workforce environment. When we have breakthroughs and successes in our work world, it is always important to reflect and praise GOD and thank him. I like to connect the dots and trace the path on how God provided the end results. Likewise, when we have failures, mistakes, combative situations, and problems, it is always important to reflect and stay in touch with GOD…trying to listen to him and maintain a faith in him knowing he is our ultimate compass and sovereign leader. What is GOD trying to tell us in these situations and how does he want us to grow. Are other people the problem or is it really us personally that might be contributing to the problem. Stay humble and know that workforce success is not self-driven, GOD is always the creator of the story and we must always trust him.
Maintaining a constant faith in GOD and paying attention to what he is doing in our daily lives is very important for Christian Living in the workforce environment. When we have breakthroughs and successes in our work world, it is always important to reflect and praise GOD and thank him. I like to connect the dots and trace the path on how God provided the end results. Likewise, when we have failures, mistakes, combative situations, and problems, it is always important to reflect and stay in touch with GOD…trying to listen to him and maintain a faith in him knowing he is our ultimate compass and sovereign leader. What is GOD trying to tell us in these situations and how does he want us to grow. Are other people the problem or is it really us personally that might be contributing to the problem. Stay humble and know that workforce success is not self-driven, GOD is always the creator of the story and we must always trust him.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)
The fruit of the Spirit is another important characteristic I like to apply for Christian living in the workforce environment. God sent Jesus to teach us, lead us, serve with us and ultimately reconcile our broken relationship with God and SAVE us. While on earth, Jesus taught us about the Holy Spirit that would be sent to us as a result of our FAITH in him. Jesus also taught us as we abide in him, he will produce good fruits within us and through us.
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you." (John 15:16)
God created an unparalleled impact on mankind through the gift of his son Jesus. As we follow Jesus deep in faith and become part of HIS family, we too begin to have an opportunity to help advance God’s kingdom and have an impact. We have an amazing impact on people in our workplaces and communities because of the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes without even knowing it, the fruits of the spirit are at work within us…the closer we are to Jesus…the closer God builds us in his image…and the Holy Spirit begins to go to work producing good fruit through us and around us.
What does all of this mean for our daily routines and workplace impact…? We naturally fall into a rhythm of being a light on a hill, serving others, leading by example, and treating people with grace, humility and LOVE. We understand from a godly lens that just like we are messy at times, our friends and co-workers go through the same messiness. We know as children of God there are mountains and valleys and we can recognize God weaving this into our daily lives. It is important to keep in mind that God does not always have to give us a large herculean task for us to have a significant impact on HIS Kingdom…often he delights in giving us small tasks that over the long haul make a big impact on helping advance his Kingdom.
In closing, I find it joyful and humbling to be a Christian in the workplace and our community. Just like the generations before us and the generations after us…we are all children of God that need him, love him and trust him to use our earthly lives towards the advancement of his kingdom.
Praise God.
What does all of this mean for our daily routines and workplace impact…? We naturally fall into a rhythm of being a light on a hill, serving others, leading by example, and treating people with grace, humility and LOVE. We understand from a godly lens that just like we are messy at times, our friends and co-workers go through the same messiness. We know as children of God there are mountains and valleys and we can recognize God weaving this into our daily lives. It is important to keep in mind that God does not always have to give us a large herculean task for us to have a significant impact on HIS Kingdom…often he delights in giving us small tasks that over the long haul make a big impact on helping advance his Kingdom.
In closing, I find it joyful and humbling to be a Christian in the workplace and our community. Just like the generations before us and the generations after us…we are all children of God that need him, love him and trust him to use our earthly lives towards the advancement of his kingdom.
Praise God.
Posted in faith at work
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