New Member Spotlight: John & Kalena Hobbs

- Meet John Hobbs
- How long have you been attending Northstar?
- 2 Months
- What do you do for work or school?
- Partner at Hobbs & Associates
- If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
- The Isle of Skye in Scotland. I always wanted to visit Scotland in general and I have heard this is a beautiful area to visit to enjoy the outdoors.
- How would you describe yourself in three words?
- Shy, logical, caring
- What are your top three books?
- Why Don't We Listen Better? by James Peterson
- The First Man in Rome by Colleen McCullough
- Sharpe's Enemy by Bernard Cornwell
- How would you describe Northstar in three words?
- Loving, Organized, Bible-focused (does the dash make this one word :-) ?? )
- What is something that God has been teaching you recently?
- To not overcomplicate things, as I tend to do as I balance my thoughts with my feelings. To avoid mere religious pursuit. God has been helping me correctly connect my brain to the heart and vice-versa, which can at times be difficult even though they reside mere inches apart. What helps with this is a focus on Jesus, and His very realy presence in our lives and to trust the Holy Spirit to lead. If I make a decision, I trust God will help me to understand if I am on the correct path and if I am not, I trust God will help me make adjustments, as God's will is never lost, even if we lose sight of it at times. Since I do not need to worry or be anxious about these things, I can instead look to grow in the present without being caught up in the past or future.
Every day I get to wake up and attempt to bring glory to God. This is true for me as a husband, as a father, and as a person who works and interacts with people every day. Lately I have had some difficulties that expose areas where I am weak, and I very much feel God leading me through these areas and I better understand it is His strength that carries me through. I have lost sight of this at times relying on my own abilities, which is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as this does not take away from the fact that everything I do should be for God and not for man, because I have been given the best gift ever available, which is Grace. If I simply continue to grow in Christ and learn to yield more to the Spirit, I will be a better husband, father, friend, or acquaintance. All of the things I could get caught up in stressing about or being overly logical in attempting to figure out what to do become much easier when I simply think about what would Jesus do, how is the Spirit leading, and what would honor the Father in this situation. It is very hard to manage life at times with family, parenting, and work, yet we have a Savior who has already been where we are going and knows best how we are to handle things along the way.
- To not overcomplicate things, as I tend to do as I balance my thoughts with my feelings. To avoid mere religious pursuit. God has been helping me correctly connect my brain to the heart and vice-versa, which can at times be difficult even though they reside mere inches apart. What helps with this is a focus on Jesus, and His very realy presence in our lives and to trust the Holy Spirit to lead. If I make a decision, I trust God will help me to understand if I am on the correct path and if I am not, I trust God will help me make adjustments, as God's will is never lost, even if we lose sight of it at times. Since I do not need to worry or be anxious about these things, I can instead look to grow in the present without being caught up in the past or future.
- Meet Kalena Hobbs
- How long have you been attending Northstar?
- 2 months
- What do you do for work or school?
- Teach math at Eastern Montgomery High School
- If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
- Bermuda because that's where my husband and I had our honeymoon
- How would you describe yourself in three words?
- Loyal, caring and active
- What are your top three books?
- How would you describe Northstar in three words?
- Biblical, mission--focused, friendly
- What is something that God has been teaching you recently?
- To rely on Him in all circumstances. During life's difficult moments I have often tried to figure it out myself instead of immediately going to God. Recently I have realized that I can do nothing without God and therefore he must be my first and only stop on dealing with life's challenges. I need to give everything over to him and trust in his most perfect will.
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