New Member Spotlight: Casey & Angela Fillion
The Fillion Family

Casey & Angela Fillion recently joined! Their kids are Brody (6th), Vinny (3y), and Casey (2y). Here's Casey's responses to our member spotlight questions:
Name: Casey Fillion
- How long have you been attending Northstar?
- Since January 2023
- What do you do for work or school?
- Corporate Safety Manager with Interstate Group LLC, 21 years and counting
- If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
- Peru, I want to see Machu Picchu and love ancient history.
- How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
- Introverted (at first I open up once I know someone)
- Sarcastic
- Devoted
- What are your top 3 books?
- How would you describe Northstar in 3 words?
- Home
- Comfortable
- Principles
- What is something that God has been teaching you recently?
- Being content: We just moved here from AZ in December and it has been an adventure. We are currently living in a basement apartment while we search for a permanent home here in VA. There have been a few stressful situations but God has always provided an answer for everyone. Everything has worked out for the best and we know God will provide for our family during this transition. We love Northstar and can't wait to see what 2023 holds for our family, we are truly blessed.
Here's Angela's responses:

Name: Angie Fillion
- How long have you been attending Northstar?
- 1/1/2023 was the first Sunday we attended Northstar. We attended the Discovering Northstar class shortly after and recently became "official".
- What do you do for work or school?
- I am a Physical Therapist Assistant, but I'm not currently working as a PTA (trying to get my VA. license approved). I currently stay home with my 3 kids; Brody 12, Vinny 3, Casey 2. I homeschool my oldest son and have a work from home job, I help manage a Pediatric Physical Therapy clinic in AZ. handling all the referrals, billing, and filing of paperwork.
- If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
- There are quite a few places I'd like to go for different reasons, but most recently my husband and I have talked about wanting to visit Costa Rica to experience the beautiful beaches, hiking, and adventure courses.
- How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
- Motivated
- Quiet
- Caring
- What are your top 3 books?
- How would you describe Northstar in 3 words?
- Welcoming
- Caring
- Giving
- What is something that God has been teaching you recently?
- Contentment, and full reliance and trust in His plan. This move from AZ to VA has been a season of all new things for our family, I've had many emotions regarding this new season so I would have to say contentment though and in all things has been a recent lesson I'm reminding myself daily of.
Posted in membership
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