
Celebrating Belonging: Covenant Renewal 2021

Celebrate Belonging

Membership at Northstar is a big deal to us. It represents our commitment to "be the church" - together. Every October, our members reaffirm their desire to be a member of Northstar by renewing their membership covenant. This annual membership commitment keeps our membership significant, fresh, meaningful and helps remind us that our membership together is not about a being a part of a club or organization. It reminds us that we are on mission as the church of Jesus.

If you have been around Northstar for any amount of time, you know that our motto is "Don’t go to church. Be the Church." Our annual celebration of belonging is intended to remind every one of our members that being members of church is not just about showing up to church on Sunday. Being members of a church is actively following Jesus in our homes, schools, workplaces and communities. This year’s celebration of membership will take place on Sunday, October 17 during the worship service.

What if you're not a member?

We hope you’ll prayerfully consider joining our church! Membership is meaningful. If you’re ready to consider joining, make sure you RSVP for our membership class called Discovering Northstar. We will be offering our membership class on

  • Tuesday, October 5 at the Ministry Center at 6:00 p.m. 
  • Dinner and childcare are be provided!
  • RSVP here

This membership class will encourage you and highlight the vision, values and ministry direction of Northstar.

If I’m new and not quite ready to jump into membership, what do I do on that Sunday?

If you are new to Northstar, Covenant Renewal is an exciting Sunday for our church as we celebrate what God has done and is continuing to do in and through the people of Northstar.  Please come! We really believe you’ll be encouraged and inspired by our worship service that day as you glimpse the heartbeat of our church.

What’s the big deal about membership?

For more information and preparation, (you can view or download our membership notebook and covenant) visit our membership page.
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